Pros and Cons of Homework: The Great Homework Debate

Arguments for and against homework.

I wish I could cancel all the homework! Let’s try to figure out why we need homework and whether we need it at all.
Pupils, teachers and parents follow the discussion of the school’s homework cancellation initiative with a slowing heart. In fact, disputes on this topic have been held in our country for a long time, but in January this year the discussion reached a new level.

The problem of homework was brought to the attention of the Public Chamber of Moscow. Despite the fact that the discussion was held among professionals in education and management, they failed to come to a common denominator. After all, there were both supporters and opponents of homework at the negotiating table. Both of them made very reasonable arguments.

We will try and find out why homework is necessary and whether it is necessary at all.

Why do you need homework?
Homework is a traditional part of studying at a national school. It’s not just domestic school. It’s hard to imagine any school without homework. Moreover, those rare lessons at the end of which the teacher does not ask “homework” are perceived as a holiday.

Probably everyone in school years hears the saying from the teacher: “Repetition is the mother of learning. It is this thesis that underlies the arguments in favour of preserving homework as an effective means of consolidating the material passed. Really, it is impossible to sweep away completely benefit of such technique, after all thanks to it the pupil gets skills of independent training that in the future will be useful for study in higher education institution. The fact of acquisition of new knowledge during the performance of tasks also no one will deny. In addition, homework contributes to the development of discipline and the ability to independently distribute free time.

Another question is that all these positive aspects can be achieved if the student is interested in studying. Therefore, one of the most important tasks for the teacher is to develop an interest in learning new skills and knowledge.

Why do they want to cancel their homework?

Opponents of homework argue that such work makes the child disgusted with school and the learning process itself. And that motive has a right to exist. Students who spend most of their time at school, returning home, should immediately sit down again for notebooks and textbooks. Naturally, the child will hate such obedience and will try to do their homework formally and quickly. After all, as a rule, before the lessons, the child is not released for a walk or not allowed to play. And unfulfilled lessons are fraught with bad grades and censure from parents, teachers and classmates.

This leads to several problems at once. First, the child loses interest in the study itself. School becomes for him not a means of learning the world, and an unpleasant duty. Secondly, the lack of walks and communication with peers can cause both psychological and physical disorders. In other words, the child must have time in the fresh air and communicate with friends. This is just as important as going to school. Read more nere

Are there any homework assignments abroad?
There is a perception that children are not given homework abroad. But is it really so? Indeed, in some countries, homework has been completely or partially abandoned. For example, such an experiment was conducted in France. As a result, it turned out that the level of knowledge among school leavers has significantly decreased.

In Finland, whose school system is considered one of the best in the world, homework has not been abolished. However, the load on the pupil is very dosed out and increases gradually. The programme is designed so that the child has enough time not only for traditional school subjects but also for creative development, communication with family and friends, outdoor walks and sports activities. This variety of activities allows the child not to feel the burden of school. In addition, Finnish children are less tired and therefore more productive.

The Israeli Ministry of Education decided on a bold experiment, where it was decided to abolish homework in primary and secondary schools. According to Israeli lawmakers, homework is detrimental to children’s motivation to study, and also contributes to children’s overload and conflicts in the family. Israeli teachers are no longer allowed to punish children for not doing their homework with bad grades.

In German schools, pupils are also not burdened with homework. Firstly, it is forbidden by law to ask “homework” on weekends. Secondly, during the week the teacher gives all the exercises that a trained student can do in no more than 10 minutes.

The exact opposite of Israeli and German schools are South Korean educational institutions, where students literally “drown” in their homework. In high school, most students are so busy that they do not have more than 5 hours left to sleep.

In order for homework to benefit the child and not destroy the nervous system of parents, it is necessary to develop a method of dosing. That is, the teacher should understand that every child has the right to do his or her own work, which is as important as lessons. But the most important thing is the parents’ attitude to the facts of not doing the lessons. In other words, the child should be aware that a bad assessment or unfulfilled task will not lead to severe reprimand and punishment.