Yoga and Superpowers: How Not to Get Lost in Practice

The mystical practices of the East have attracted the Western mind since ancient times. And attracted not only esoterics, but also people of power. After all, this knowledge can reveal the hidden potential of consciousness and enhance human capabilities. Tasks of maintaining health and prolongation of life also took not the last place.

Not so long ago western scientists undertook research of how with the help of oriental practices:, pranayama, concentration, meditation and other methods it is possible to keep psyche healthy, increase ability to concentrate, train memory and improve state of health.

In particular, it was extremely interesting to learn the nature of such mysterious phenomena as siddhis (superpowers), which in the West are considered miracles or mental anomalies. In addition, despite significant progress, the traditional medicine of the West does not know most of the root causes of diseases and is not yet able to cure a number of diseases, from which the “mysterious” methods of the East help.

And if the positive effect of the correct practice of hatha yoga is now more or less investigated, in the case of practitioners of Raja Yoga remains a lot of unexplained. A number of studies have already confirmed that a person practicing hatha yoga, many times increases his stress resistance, physically becomes stronger, more flexible and enduring, he avoids many diseases, including viral infections, which is associated with an increase in immunity and protective functions of the body. The body retains youthfulness longer – a yogi of sixty years can look twenty years younger and more vigorous, and most importantly – the mind retains its flexibility to perceive new information.

A number of American studies have confirmed that the regular practice of meditation develops brain areas responsible for good memory, the ability to empathy, a sense of happiness. And the areas of the brain associated with instinctive survival reactions of “bey-bey-zammy” are inhibited. There is more openness and trust in the world.

Through increased conscious control of bodily functions, advanced yoga practitioners show the ability to slow the heart and sink into a state comparable to anabiosis, indicating the ability to control the unconscious functions of one’s nervous system.

Most difficult to explain to science, but at the same time appealing to the Western mind, are siddhis (superpowers). Siddhas are: telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairaudience hearing, ability to know the future, perfect intuition, ability to move quickly over long distances, to become invisible, to go a long time without sleep, to hold a breath for weeks, to do without food, to appear simultaneously in two or more different places, to heal diseases without medication, to raise the dead, ability to materialize objects, levitation, ability to direct events in the necessary direction and other superpowers.

Initially, these abilities are not the very purpose of yoga. The traditional view is that siddhis arise in a yogi as a consequence of the practice. Superpowers may or may not arise. They are only indirectly related to spiritual perfection. It is believed that siddhis can increase egocentrism and lead the practitioner away from the true purpose of yoga. Therefore, it is recommended that the yoga practitioner focus on his or her sadhana (regular persistent practice) without desires or expectations of superpowers. Otherwise, one can get bogged down in the pursuit of superego and forget about Liberation.

Today it is much easier to do siddhis. Most people today are losing ordinary human abilities. For example, the ability to concentrate is becoming a luxury. People go on the internet to check their emails, and 10 minutes later they realize that they have 10 websites open but none of the emails have been answered. The capacity for volitional action to overcome laziness, to perform deliberate voluntary actions is severely lost. The algorithms of the world force one to automatically react to external stimuli – to follow the imposed programs. Undoubtedly, all this leads to a weakening of consciousness and makes a person more helpless.

The basic steps to acquiring superpowers are to regain and enhance one’s normal faculties.

This can be helped by simple daily actions that we do on a regular basis. The following are a few exercises to increase concentration and willpower.

Exercise 1:

Before you go online, realize the purpose of the visit.
Ask yourself the question-intent – “why am I doing this?”, which will be the criterion for achieving the goal.
Try to follow the goal.
Keep track of external distractions and internal urges that lead you away from your goal.
Don’t open other sites, social networks, etc.
Be aware of the thought algorithms pushing you to want to distract yourself from the task at hand.
After completing the task, log off the network and observe your condition.
It is not unreasonable to record your observations in writing.

Exercise 2:

Each time you open a door, concentrate on the process of opening it.
Leave extraneous thoughts behind and feel the door handle. Direct more attention to your hand and its movements.
Realize that you (the part of consciousness that you call yourself) are doing it.
Randomly choose the speed of your hand’s movement. Try to take control of the process.
Take your time and carefully observe the sensations.
Do this exercise with turning on the kettle and making tea.

It is also recommended that you do special meditation practices that allow you to calm your consciousness and return to the Here and Now state. By living in the moment, it is possible to detach yourself from the hustle and bustle of the mind and the imposed algorithms of behavior.