It is at the stage of preparation for school that the foundation for the successful education of the child is laid. What should be given special attention when preparing for school? How to determine the readiness of the child to study and what recommendations of psychologists to follow?

Change your attitude about adjectives to describe people
The first thing that the parents of the future first grader have to understand is that the baby is no longer a baby. Psychological readiness suggests that a six- or seven-year-old is striving for a new, more responsible role – the role of a student, a schoolchild. Accordingly, the relationship with the “five minutes to a first grader” will have to be slightly “optimized”. What does it mean?
About a year before school, parents most likely realize that orders and edifications have lost their effectiveness and now arguments and beliefs begin to work much more effectively in communicating with the child.
Listen baby
It is important for a child to have a parental desire to hear him and understand, an attentive attitude to his opinion and judgments. The future student needs an atmosphere of love and respect, the only way he will calmly grow up and fully develop. It makes sense for parents to be interested in the hobbies of their preschool child, to be sympathetic to his individual characteristics and to be consistent in matters of education.

The future student needs an atmosphere of love and respect, the only way he will calmly grow up and fully develop.

Observe including subtraction facts the measure in everything
Despite the fact that perseverance and the ability to concentrate for more than 30 minutes are considered one of the main criteria for school readiness, you should not immediately seat your child at a desk for half an hour. Most likely, at first, the limits of his endurance are much less. Therefore, it is better to start classes with 10 minutes a day, each time increasing their duration by a couple of minutes.
Alternate activities
Do not forget to alternate classes with a break, a game, a change in the type of activity. Too “academic” presentation of the material can cause rejection in the child.
Keep up the friendship
During the preparation of the child for school, attention should be paid to establishing his relationships with peers. The ability to communicate with other children, the desire to play collective games, the ability to share successes and failures, wins and losses with friends – all this is very useful in the atmosphere of a comprehensive school.