Let’s talk with you about the breathing of Ujjaya and Quite often in hatha yoga classes we use this type of breathing.

So, to perform Ujaya, pleas

e sit in any position with a straight back, you can sit in Vajrasana. Alternatively, take any other sitting asana that is comfortable for you.

We fold our hands in front of us, the position is also not important, for example, Dhyani mudra (right hand above, left below, thumbs touching). We begin with you to breathe through your mouth in order to feel a light hissing sound, which we will publish later when Ujjaya breathes.

On inhalation, you and I imagine that we pronounce the sound “so” and pronounce it, and on the exhale we pronounce the sound “ha”. Let’s try together: inhale is the sound “so” and exhale is the sound “ha”. Please do a few more times, watch what happens in the throat area, you feel like a tickling there.

And now let’s try to do the same, but with our mouth closed. That is, now we are already mentally pronouncing these sounds (“so” and “boor”) with our mouth closed and breathing through our nose. There is such a slight hissing sound on inhalation and exhalation, as if sniffing, and when you do this breath, you feel a slight

Yoga outdoors. Woman meditating in lotus position zen gesturing. Concept of healthy lifestyle and relaxation

swallowing movement in the throat area. Let’s try again.

In some traditions, it is suggested to keep a light Jalandhara bandha, that is, the throat lock (when we pull the chin to the chest, keep the throat area in good shape), but this is not required. And an important point: so that you feel this slight tickling and feel a slight hissing sound.

Ujjayi pranayama is breathing that heats up our body, therefore, during the practice of hatha yoga asanas, we do it, it also helps us to concentrate and not distract attention, we “cling” with attention to the breath, to this sound, and become more attentive.

And a rather important point: if you practice Ujayi pranayama in groups, in face-to-face classes, it is advisable to monitor the volume of your breathing so as not to distract others. If you practice online, then, of course, you can afford any volume. Ujjayi pranayama is also used with various concentration techniques, meditation practices in order not to scatter attention again.